The last two decades have seen an upsurge of Latin American social movements, challenging the neoliberal paradigm and the governments that impose it. Social movements, such as the indigenous mobilizations in Ecuador, mobilizations against water privatizations and gas pipeline investments in Bolivia, the Zapatista movement in Mexico, the landless rural workers in Brazil, Afro-Colombians resisting investors, and the worker and urban poor strikes in Argentina, are contesting the region's political and economic systems. This wiki takes an anthropological perspective to discuss contemporary Latin American social movements.
In this wiki consider why the intensification of social movements in the region may follow some traditional forms of resistance and mobilization, but also that it is a response to neoliberal globalization. These new movements seek to define a novel relation to the political realm. Unlike traditional guerrilla movements or electoral expressions of the left, they are not fundamentally organized to seize state power. Yet they have contributed to destabilizing, even, ousting governments. We will explore the roots and implications of social movement formation and their resistance to neoliberalism.